My First Photoshoot in Atlanta

Find some time to do the things you love. These pictures are pretty old but I never got a chance to post them. The theme of this photoshoot was BLACK DOCTORS MATTER. This was a definitely a spur of the most decisive. One Saturday we all studying at my house and let's be honest when 1:00pm came we were burned out. If you have ever been mentally drained then you would understand our pain. My sister actually sparked the idea about me making everyone Black Doctor Matters Sweatshirts. FUN FACT: I design custom t-shirts.

At first, I was like no I want to be lazy. Then I realized, God gave me this incredible gift of creativity and how to execute things quickly. I also had a camera I was just dying to use. First thing first, I need the sweatshirts to design the sweatshirts. We drove to the nearest Walmart. With no luck we quickly drove the other Walmart across town. Thank God for unisex sizes. I called my friend Christian and told him to meet us for the photo shoot. I have to give him the credit for the dope background scene.

If you would like to purchase these sweatshirts email me

You can also follow my Expressions Ink Instagram account if your lazy like me ill add the link below.

Let’s not forget about the Facebook party @iloveexpressionsink the link will also be added below


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